
Leontes, the King of Sicilia: husband of Hermione and father of Mamillius and Perdita

Leontes' Realization


Hermione, the Queen of Sicilia: wife of Leontes, the daughter of a King of Russia, mother of Mamillius and Perdita. She is majestic, dignified, calm, graceful and noble.

Trial Scene

Mamillius: Son of Leontes and Hermione

Mamilius with Hermione, his mother

Perdita: Daughter of Leontes and Hermione and a lover of Florizel

Perdita's union with Florizel

Shepherd: one who has taken care of Perdita from her childhood to her adulthood

Polixenes: King of Bohemia

Florizel: Son of Polixenes and a lover of Perdita

Camillo: Loyal lord of Leontes

Antigonus: Lord of Leontes

Paulina: Servant maid of Hermione




















The Winter's Tale by b.siva Priya & m.sathya